Friday, March 28, 2014

Testing For Gossip ~ Inspiring and Touching

In ancient Greece, Socrates was reputed to hold knowledge in high esteem. One day an acquaintance met the great philosopher and said, “Do you know what I just heard about your friend?”

“Hold on a minute”, Socrates replied. “Before telling me anything I’d like you to pass a little test. It’s called the Triple Filter Test.”

“Triple filter?”

“That’s right”, Socrates continued. “Before you talk to me about my friend, it might be a good idea to take a moment and filter what you’re going to say. That’s why I call it the triple filter test. The first filter is Truth. Have you made absolutely sure that what you are about to tell me is true?”

“No,” the man said, “Actually I just heard about it and …”

“All right”, said Socrates. “So you don’t really know if it’s true or not. Now let’s try the second filter, the filter of Goodness. Is what you are about to tell me about my friend something good?”

“No, on the contrary.”

“So”, Socrates continued, “you want to tell me something bad about him, but you’re not certain it’s true. You may still pass the test though, because there’s one filter left: The filter of Usefulness. Is what you want to tell me about my friend going to be useful to me?”

“No, not really.”

“Well”, concluded Socrates, “if what you want to tell me is neither true nor good nor even useful, why tell it to me at all?”

Monday, March 17, 2014

Inspirasi & Motivasi dari Para Entrepreneur

inspirasi, motivasi, Motivasi Entrepreneur

Mungkin kita bertanya-tanya, bagaimana cara para entrepreneur mendapatkan inspirasi dan motivasi?

Inspirasi bisa kita dapatkan dari mana saja: buku, tv, radio, teman, rekan kerja, atasan, tim, koran, internet, dan lain-lain. Intinya, inspirasi itu adalah hal-hal yang membuat otak kita terbuka dan berpikir. Ini adalah hal-hal yang membuat kita punya ide untuk melakukan suatu hal.

Lalu, bagimana cara entrepreneur mendapatkan motivasi? Yang pasti bukan dari motivator. Menurut Billy Boen, Founder & CEO, YOT Nusantara (youngontop), motivasinya para entrepreneur bisa macam-macam, salah satunya adalah untuk terus bisa mempertahankan perusahaannya, supaya para karyawan mendapatkan gaji yang layak dan on time setiap bulannya. Entrepreneur juga selalu termotivasi karena mereka ingin terus mengembangkan perusahaannya, untuk apa? Untuk supaya bisa memberikan nafkah kepada lebih banyak orang lagi, dan untuk supaya produk/jasanya bisa dinikmati oleh lebih banyak orang lagi.

Motivasi, lain dengan inspirasi. Motivasi hanya ada di dalam diri kita sendiri. Apapun yang menurut kita berarti, yang membuat kita jadi ingin melakukan sesuatu, itulah motivasi.

Jadi, jika mau jadi orang sukses? Berpikir, bertindaklah seperti seorang entrepreneur... kita selalu mencari inspirasi dan memotivasi diri kita sendiri.

Source: youngontop

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Sunday, March 16, 2014

Inspiratif - Kisah Dua Tukang Sol Sepatu

kisah inspiratif, islamic motivation, tukang sol sepatu

Mang Udin, adalah seorang penjual jasa perbaikan sepatu yang biasa disebut tukang sol. Setiap pagi dia melangkahkan kakinya meninggalkan anak dan istrinya yang berharap nanti sore hari, mang Udin membawa uang untuk membeli nasi dan sedikit lauk pauk. Mang Udin terus menyusuri jalan sambil berteriak menawarkan jasanya. Sampai tengah hari, baru satu orang yang menggunakan jasanya. Itu pun hanya perbaikan kecil.

Perut mulai keroncongan. Hanya air teh bekal dari rumah yang mengganjal perutnya. Mau beli makan, uangnya tidak cukup. Hanya berharap dapat order besar sehingga bisa membawa uang ke rumah. Perutnya sendiri tidak dia hiraukan.

Di tengah keputusasaan, dia berjumpa dengan seorang tukan sol lainnya. Wajahnya cukup berseri. “Pasti, si Abang ini sudah dapat uang banyak nich.” pikir mang Udin. Mereka berpapasan dan saling menyapa. Akhirnya berhenti untuk bercakap-cakap.

“Bagaimana dengan hasil hari ini bang? Sepertinya laris nich?” kata mang Udin memulai percakapan.

“Alhamdulillah. Ada beberapa orang memperbaiki sepatu.” kata tukang sol yang kemudian diketahui namanya Bang Soleh.

“Saya baru satu bang, itu pun cuma benerin jahitan.” kata mang Udin memelas.

“Alhamdulillah, itu harus disyukuri.”

“Mau disyukuri gimana, nggak cukup buat beli beras juga.” kata mang Udin sedikit kesal.

“Justru dengan bersyukur, nikmat kita akan ditambah.” kata bang Soleh sambil tetap tersenyum.

“Emang begitu bang?” tanya mang Udin, yang sebenarnya dia sudah tahu harus banyak bersyukur.

“Insya Allah. Mari kita ke Masjid dulu, sebentar lagi adzan dzuhur.” kata bang Soleh sambil mengangkat pikulannya.

Mang udin sedikit kikuk, karena dia tidak pernah “mampir” ke tempat shalat.

“Ayolah, kita mohon kepada Allah supaya kita diberi rezeki yang barakah.”

Akhirnya, mang Udin mengikuti bang Soleh menuju sebuah masjid terdekat. Bang Soleh begitu hapal tata letak masjid, sepertinya sering ke masjid tersebut.

Setelah shalat, bang Soleh mengajak mang Udin ke warung nasi untuk makan siang. Tentu saja mang Udin bingung, sebab dia tidak punya uang. Bang Soleh mengerti,

“Ayolah, kita makan dulu. Saya yang traktir.”

Akhirnya mang Udin ikut makan di warung Tegal terdekat. Setelah makan, mang Udin berkata,

“Saya tidak enak nich. Nanti uang untuk dapur abang berkurang dipakai traktir saya.”

“Tenang saja, Allah akan menggantinya. Bahkan lebih besar dan barakah.” kata bang Soleh tetap tersenyum.

“Abang yakin?”

“Insya Allah.” jawab bang soleh meyakinkan.

“Kalau begitu, saya mau shalat lagi, bersyukur, dan mau memberi kepada orang lain.” kata mang Udin penuh harap.

“Insya Allah. Allah akan menolong kita.” Kata bang Soleh sambil bersalaman dan mengucapkan salam untuk berpisah.

Keesokan harinya, mereka bertemu di tempat yang sama. Bang Soleh mendahului menyapa.

“Apa kabar mang Udin?”

“Alhamdulillah, baik. Oh ya, saya sudah mengikuti saran Abang, tapi mengapa koq penghasilan saya malah turun? Hari ini, satu pun pekerjaan belum saya dapat.” kata mang Udin setengah menyalahkan.

Bang Soleh hanya tersenyum. Kemudian berkata,

“Masih ada hal yang perlu mang Udin lakukan untuk mendapat rezeki barakah.”

“Oh ya, apa itu?” tanya mang Udin penasaran.

“Tawakal, ikhlas, dan sabar.” kata bang Soleh sambil kemudian mengajak ke Masjid dan mentraktir makan siang lagi.

Keesokan harinya, mereka bertemu lagi, tetapi di tempat yang berbeda. Mang Udin yang berhari-hari ini sepi order berkata setengah menyalahkan lagi,

“Wah, saya makin parah. Kemarin nggak dapat order, sekarang juga belum. Apa saran abang tidak cocok untuk saya?”

“Bukan tidak, cocok. Mungkin keyakinan mang Udin belum kuat atas pertolongan Allah. Coba renungkan, sejauh mana mang Udin yakin bahwa Allah akan menolong kita?” jelas bang Soleh sambil tetap tersenyum.

Mang Udin cukup tersentak mendengar penjelasan tersebut. Dia mengakui bahwa hatinya sedikit ragu. Dia “hanya” coba-coba menjalankan apa yang dikatakan oleh bang Soleh.

“Bagaimana supaya yakin bang?” kata mang Udin sedikit pelan hampir terdengar.

Rupanya, bang Soleh sudah menebak, kemana arah pembicaraan.

“Saya mau bertanya, apakah kita janjian untuk bertemu hari ini, disini?” tanya bang Soleh.


“Tapi kenyataanya kita bertemu, bahkan 3 hari berturut. Mang Udin dapat rezeki bisa makan bersama saya. Jika bukan Allah yang mengatur, siapa lagi?” lanjut bang Soleh. Mang Udin terlihat berpikir dalam. Bang Soleh melanjutkan, “Mungkin, sudah banyak petunjuk dari Allah, hanya saja kita jarang atau kurang memperhatikan petunjuk tersebut. Kita tidak menyangka Allah akan menolong kita, karena kita sebenarnya tidak berharap. Kita tidak berharap, karena kita tidak yakin.”

Mang Udin manggut-manggut. Sepertinya mulai paham. Kemudian mulai tersenyum.

“OK dech, saya paham. Selama ini saya akui saya memang ragu. Sekarang saya yakin. Allah sebenarnya sudah membimbing saya, saya sendiri yang tidak melihat dan tidak mensyukurinya. Terima kasih abang.” kata mang Udin, matanya terlihat berkaca-kaca.

“Berterima kasihlah kepada Allah. Sebentar lagi dzuhur, kita ke Masjid yuk. Kita mohon ampun dan bersyukur kepada Allah.”

Mereka pun mengangkat pikulan dan mulai berjalan menuju masjid terdekat sambil diiringi rasa optimist bahwa hidup akan lebih baik.

Source :

Kisah Nyata Wanita Cantik dan Lelaki Buruk Rupa

Tentang Wanita, kisah inspiratif, islamic motivation, kisah islami, wanita cantik, wanita bercadar

Ketika menelusuri sebuah jalan di kota Bashrah, Al Atabi melihat seorang wanita yang sangat cantik sedang bersenda gurau dengan seorang lelaki tua buruk rupa. Setiap kali wanita itu berbisik, laki-laki tersebut pun tertawa.

Al Atabi yang penasaran kemudian memberanikan diri bertanya kepada wanita itu. “Siapa laki-laki tersebut?”

“Dia suamiku”, jawab wanita itu.

“Kamu ini cantik dan menawan, bagaimana kamu dapat bersabar dengan suami yang jelek seperti itu? Sungguh, ini adalah sesuatu yang mengherankan” Al Atabi meneruskan pertanyannya.
“Barangkali karena mendapatkan wanita sepertiku, maka ia bersyukur. Dan aku mendapatkan suami seperti dirinya, maka aku bersabar. Bukankah orang yang sabar dan syukur adalah termasuk penghuni surga? Tidak pantaskah aku bersyukur kepada Allah atas karunia ini?”

Al Atabi kemudian meninggalkan wanita itu disertai kekaguman. Ulama Al Azhar, Dr Mustafa Murad, juga kagum dengan wanita itu sehingga memasukkan kisah ini dalam bukunya Qashashush Shaalihiin. Kedua ulama tersebut tidaklah kagum kepada wanita itu karena kecantikannya. Mereka kagum karena agamanya.

Dan benarlah pesan Rasulullah: “Wanita itu dinikahi karena empat hal; karena hartanya, kedudukannya, kecantikannya dan agamanya. Maka pilihlah karena agamanya, niscaya kamu akan beruntung.” (HR. Bukhari dan Muslim)

Wanita yang baik agamanya, ketika ia kaya, ia tidak sombong. Ia justru dermawan, suka berinfaq dan mendukung perjuangan dakwah suami dengan hartanya.

Wanita yang baik agamanya, ketika ia memiliki kedudukan tinggi dan nasab yang mulia, ia tidak menghina orang lain. Ia justru menjadi wanita yang mulia dan menggunakan kedudukannya untuk membela kebenaran.

Wanita yang baik agamanya, ketika ia cantik, ia tidak membuat suaminya resah. Ia justru menjadi penghibur hati dan penyejuk mata bagi suaminya tercinta.

Wallahu a’lam bish shawab.

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Friday, March 7, 2014

This Beautiful 3 Minute Tribute To Women Will Make You Skip A Heartbeat.

Emotional Fulls have come up with a heart warming tribute that will probably bring tears to your eyes.
As the film rightly concludes, you…are the reason of my existence. Happy Women’s Day.

Here are 15 inspirational quotes for women:

1. "Woman is the companion of man, gifted with equal mental capacity." -- Gandhi

2. "God gave women intuition and femininity. Used properly, the combination easily jumbles the brain of any man I've ever met." -- Farrah Fawcett

3. "Women have served all these centuries as looking glasses possessing the magic and delicious power of reflecting the figure of a man at twice its natural size." -- Virginia Woolf

4. "Somewhere out in this audience may even be someone who will one day follow in my footsteps, and preside over the White House as the President's spouse. I wish him well!" -- Barbara Bush

5. "Women are leaders everywhere you look -- from the CEO who runs a Fortune 500 company to the housewife who raises her children and heads her household. Our country was built by strong women and we will continue to break down walls and defy stereotypes." -- Nancy Pelosi

6. "A woman with a voice is by definition a strong woman. But the search to find that voice can be remarkably difficult." -- Melinda Gates

7. "Whatever glory belongs to the race for a development unprecedented in history for the given length of time, a full share belongs to the womanhood of the race." -- Mary Mcleod Bethune

8. "Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission." -- Eleanor Roosevelt

9. "Dream the dreams that have never been dreamt." -- David Bower

10. "The fastest way to change society is to mobilize the women of the world." -- Charles Malik

11. "Remember the dignity of your womanhood. Do not appeal, do not beg, do not grovel. Take courage, join hands, stand besides us, fight with us." -- Christabel Pankhurst

12. "Being powerful is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you aren't." -- Margaret Thatcher

13. "Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough." -- Oprah Winfrey

14. "When I thought I couldn't go on, I forced myself to keep going. My success is based on persistence, not luck." -- Estee Lauder

15. "If you were born without wings, do nothing to prevent them from growing." -- Coco Chanel

Here are 15 wishes to send women on International Women's Day:
16. Sending you wishes to say you blossom up the world around me! Happy Women’s Day!

17. Just wanted to thank you from bottom of my heart for all things you do! Happy Womens Day!

18. On women’s day what can I wish for, but the very best for you! Happy Women’s Day!

19. You can do almost anything your mind to… You can swim the deepest ocean and climb the highest peak… Be a doctor or fly a plane… You can face adversity and still walk tall. You are strong, beautiful, compassionate and much more than words could ever say! Today is yours and so is every other day… Happy Women’s Day

20. What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. You are an inspiration to me.
21. We may not be able to see each other or listen to each other often. But thoughts of you fill my heart with fond memories of the times we have spent together. Thinking of you!

22. On this special day, celebrate life. Take a break from your busy schedule. Let your hair down, have fun and do what your heart says. Coz today is your day. Have a great Women’s Day!

23. A beautiful women, a great friend and a wonderful mother. You are all this to me and much more… I feel so lucky and proud to have a mom like you.

24. This is just my way of saying that you are a very special Woman in my life! Thanks!

25. If you could see it from my eyes you would know you are one gem of a Woman!

26. No matter from which angle. I look at you . You appear to be an angle and Women’s Day is the perfect to say: I am so lucky to have you in my life.

27. Through the years, I have shared so much with you, both bitter and sweet. You have been such a comfort to me, helping me in every way, and all I wanna say today is: Sis, I treasure you close to my heart.

28. For all the times you’ve brought a smile and made my days seem brighter. For sharing ups and downs with me and making my burdens lighter. For doing the caring things that make a special friend. Your frienfship is a joy. I wish it never ends! Happy Women’s Day!

29. A litter note to say: You are always on my mind and very close to my heart!

30. You are as sweet inside as out. Hope your day is as sweet as you are!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

The shoe box ~ Story of wisdom

A man and woman had been married for more than 63 years.

They had shared everything. They had talked about everything. They had kept no secrets from each other except that the little old woman had a shoe box in the top of her closet that she had cautioned her husband never to open or ask her about.

For all of these years, he had never thought about the box, but One day the little old woman got very sick and the doctor said it will take time to heal. In trying to sort out their affairs, the little old man took down the shoe box and took it to his wife's bedside. She agreed that it was time that he should know what was in the box.

When he opened it, he found two crocheted dolls and a stack of money totaling $95,000. He asked her about the contents.

'When we were to be married,' she said, 'my grandmother told me that the secret of a happy marriage was to never argue. She told me that If I ever got angry with you, I should just keep quiet and crochet a doll.'

The little old man was so moved; he had to fight back tears.

Only two precious dolls were in the box. She had only been angry with him two times in all those years of living and loving. He almost burst with happiness.

'Honey,' he said, 'that explains the doll, but what about all of this money? Where did it come from?' 'Oh,' she said, 'that's the money I made from selling the dolls.'

A Prayer.......
Dear God, I pray for Wisdom to understand my man;
Love to forgive him; And Patience for his moods;
Because God, if I pray for Strength, I'll beat him to death,
Because I don't have time to crochet.

Top 10 Proposal Lines

The classic phrase “Will you marry me?” has been the start to many a long-lasting relationship, and there’s nothing wrong with going the simple route.

But if you would like to say something a little bit more unusual, here are a few phrases that you can use in your proposal speech that can make it much more memorable.

Though a lot of guys may spend hours agonizing over the right wording for their marriage proposal, just remember that your girlfriend loves you and won’t be judging you over the exact words that you use.

1. Let’s spend the rest of our lives together.

2. I want to grow old with you.

3. I can’t imagine a life without you in it.

4. Having you by my side is what completes me.

5. Before I met you, I never realized how empty my life was.

6. I now know that you and I are truly meant to be together.

7. I wish I could give you everything, but I hope that this ring is enough.

8. Will you give me your hand in marriage?

9. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?

10. Will you make me the happiest man alive?